When Do You Trust Your Gut?

Photo by Arthur Brognoli from Pexels

You might be familiar with the saying, “Trust your intuition; it never lies.” However, some people may not recognize when their intuition is speaking or might hesitate to follow their gut. While having a strong sense of intuition is beneficial, trusting it can be challenging for some. To build that trust, focus on listening to your body, relying on your judgment, reflecting on past experiences, and following your instincts.

Listening to Your Body

One way to trust your intuition is by learning how it speaks to you. Intuition can speak through physical sensations. It can be a peace you feel when you are around the right person. Or it can be a sinking feeling in your stomach when something feels off. Other common physical sensations include tightness in your chest or goosebumps. When you recognize how intuition speaks to you, it is important to listen to it. Take time to scan your body for physical sensations so that you can identify the subtle cues your intuition is telling you. 

Unlocking Your Intuition

You may not feel comfortable trusting your intuition because it does not make logical sense. But intuition stems from the subconscious mind, not the conscious mind. People commonly rationalize a situation because they are afraid of trusting their gut. Or allow anxiety to cause them to overthink and overpower their inner knowledge. You may have dated someone who seems perfect on paper but did not feel at ease about moving forward with them. You might have reasoned with yourself by saying I don’t have a solid reason not to be with this person. But when you decide to give them a chance, you discover they are not a good fit for you.

Following Your Intuition

You may be able to recall a time you had a gut feeling about something but went against it. Our intuition usually comes with an inner knowing, but we don’t always follow it. It can also be a hesitation about something or someone. Or it can be a thought that comes out of nowhere. Reflecting on past experiences can help you identify how your intuition speaks to you and understand the value of following it. You may have accepted a job offer you were hesitant about and soon discover the work environment is toxic. In this situation, you recognize that trusting your gut could have prevented you from being in this situation. Instead of being hard on yourself, use this experience as a reason to follow your intuition.

While you may not always trust your gut, when you do, it often leads you to where you want to be. You may have trusted your gut to start your own business, and now you have a more fulfilling career. You might have felt a sense of inner peace about someone after your first date, and then two years later, you are married to them. Your intuition never lies, but anxiety can. It is crucial to distinguish between anxiety and intuition. Intuition is a clear message, while anxiety is a fear of the unknown.

Intuition can be challenging for some to identify or even trust. But there are ways that you can begin to trust your intuition. The way to do this is by listening to your body, trusting your judgment, reflecting on experiences, and following your intuition. As your trust in your intuition grows, you’ll discover that you make decisions with increased confidence and clarity.

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