What Can You Learn from Your Inner Child?

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As children, we often turn to our parents for guidance and may still seek their wisdom as adults. But what if the answers we’re looking for are already within us? Sometimes, it takes reconnecting to our inner child to discover who we are and what we want. When we trust our inner compass, we begin to navigate the world in a way that reflects our authentic selves.


As we get older, we often lose the sense of curiosity we once had as children. Yet, this very curiosity may be what our adult selves are missing. We stop exploring and start fearing the unknown. As children, we were more open to learning new things, but as adults, we tend to prefer what we know over what we don’t. We forget the fun of not knowing. If we want to stay connected to who we are, curiosity is key.


Children are said to have a vivid imagination. In their mind, they can be who they want to be and create the life they want to live. However, many adults stop imagining what might be possible for them. Some believe it is a waste of time to let their mind wander. But, our imagination could be reminding us of what we want. It is in these moments of wonder we rediscover our dreams. Daydreaming and creating a vision allows us to tap into our inner child and manifest our dreams.

Play Time

Naturally, we take on more responsibilities in adulthood, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun. Playtime is not just limited to children. Adults can have fun as well. Whether it’s engaging in a hobby, doing something spontaneous, or watching a funny TV show, these moments of joy help us recharge. Making time to laugh more is one of the best ways to stay connected with our inner child.


Another thing that we can learn from our inner child is resilience. Kids are very determined when they want something. I believe some adults get discouraged more easily than kids. When we don’t get something we want right away, we give up. Children can be relentless when they don’t get what they want. We can learn from our inner child how to be tenacious. It isn’t about giving up when things don’t go our way. It is about staying persistent until we obtain what we desire.


One thing I have noticed about children is their intuition. They can read people better than adults. It is like they are born with a sixth sense. While intuition never lies, many adults don’t always follow it. They rely on logic to make their decisions. But what makes logical sense isn’t always the best choice. If we learn to rely more on intuition, we can always make the best decision.

Final Takeaways

Often, we seek guidance from our parents and mentors, but the answers we need are within. Sometimes, connecting with our inner child can guide us down the right path. Our inner child teaches us to be curious, imaginative, playful, resilient, and intuitive. These are all powerful tools that we can use to guide us to who we want to be and where we want to go.

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