How to Reparent Yourself? 

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Your childhood plays a crucial role in shaping who you become as an adult. Your experiences during these years shape your beliefs, behaviors, and self-worth, with your relationship with your parent playing a key role in how you view yourself. Unfortunately, if you didn’t have parents who provided guidance, love, and protection, you may carry unresolved childhood wounds into adulthood. One way to heal these wounds is through the process of reparenting yourself.

Develop Self-Love 

The love that you deserve is not limited to what you received as a child. When you have been emotionally neglected as a child, this can cause you to feel inadequate, insecure, and unlovable. Although this is a false perception, it can be difficult for adults with these wounds to challenge these beliefs. Your parents may have played a role in how you see yourself then, but you play a role in how you see yourself now. You are worthy and deserving of love. 

Be The Parent You Needed 

When you think about your childhood, what was lacking? Was it protection, love, or guidance? Once you have the answer, consider how you can fulfill those needs. For instance, if you lacked protection during childhood, how can you protect yourself in adulthood? This can mean setting boundaries, speaking up for yourself, and surrounding yourself with supportive people. If love from your parents was lacking, consider some self-care practices. If guidance from your parents was lacking, find a mentor, a therapist, or a pastor who can support you. 

Grieve The Parent You Didn’t Have 

The final stage of grief is acceptance, but before you can get here, it is important to process how you feel. How did it feel to be neglected or abandoned as a child? How did it feel to be unprotected by your parents? How did it feel to be invalidated? How did it feel to be unsupported? What emotions are coming up for you? Is it anger, sadness, disguise, or disappointment? Allow yourself to feel those emotions. I would also suggest processing this with a trusted person because grief can be heavy. Allow your inner child to be heard. You deserve to express your pain. You deserve to release the pain you have been carrying around for years. 

Cultivate Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships are essential to reparenting, as they provide a positive example of how relationships should be. Through these relationships, you realize that your parent’s inability to meet your needs reflects their capacity and not your worth. You were always worthy, even if you did not receive the love you needed as a child. Having positive and supportive people can help you heal your inner child by creating an environment where you feel safe, understood, and worthy of love. Healthy relationships can help you develop new belief systems and patterns of behaviors that serve you in a positive way. You learn that as an adult you have a choice about who you develop a relationship with. You also recognize that building healthy relationships is the catalyst to healing your inner child.

Transformative Journey

In conclusion, reparenting is a transformative process where you take on the role of the supportive, loving parent you may not have had during childhood. You show up for yourself by developing self-love, meeting your needs, processing your emotions, accepting what was and cultivating healthy relationships. Ultimately, reparenting empowers you to become the person you needed growing up. As you become this person, you begin to heal your childhood wounds.

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