Photo by Akshar Dave by Pexels
Many individuals grapple with the question, “What is my purpose?” However, finding the answer can make life more fulfilling. You can discover your purpose by asking questions like Who am I? What are my strengths? What motivates me? What do I enjoy? Who inspires me? Answering these can guide you to the ultimate question: What is my purpose?
Step 1: Know Yourself
Knowing who you are is the first step to uncovering your purpose. When you know who you are, you know who you were born to be. I intentionally say be because your purpose is not about doing but rather being. Who you are goes beyond a role or occupation. It is about understanding what your values are. Identifying your top five values is a great starting point. When you know what you value, you can find your purpose more easily. Values give direction that leads you to where you want to be.
Step 2: Identify Your Strengths
Another way to discover your purpose is by identifying your strengths. Whether big or small, your strengths can make a difference in the world. Take time to list your strengths and ask yourself how you can use these strengths to create purpose in your life. My strengths are my curiosity and compassion for others. I enjoy learning and sharing knowledge with others. Blogging has enabled me to leverage my strengths to create a positive impact. When we find enjoyment in doing the things we are good at, we can cultivate purpose.
Step 3: Understand Your Motivations
We are all motivated by something, and understanding what drives you can lead you to take actions that align with your purpose. Reflecting on what brings you sadness or joy can also shed light on where your motivations are rooted. If injustice saddens you, perhaps advocacy for others could be your calling. Or maybe you feel happy giving back and find purpose in philanthropy.
Step 4: Find Inspiration in Role Models
Sometimes, your purpose reveals itself through inspiration. The people you admire can often help you realize who you want to be. I saw who I could be through Maya Angelou. I saw a woman with resilience, grace, wisdom, and confidence. I wanted to be the phenomenal woman she wrote about in her poem. She helped me to discover my purpose by living out her purpose. Having role models allows you to envision what is possible for yourself. Consider the people who inspire you and ask yourself what qualities resonate with you the most, and how can you find purpose in embodying these same qualities?
Unlocking Your Purpose
Everyone has a purpose, though finding it can be a challenge. Fortunately, the key to uncovering your purpose lies within. By gaining insight into your identity, recognizing your strengths, understanding your motivations, embracing what brings you joy, and identifying who inspires you, you can unlock the path to your purpose. Remember, your purpose lies in being you.